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Senior Full Stack Developer (C#, JavaScript, TypeScript) to work on a variety of software application in the mining industry
S.i. Systems, Vancouver, BC
S.i. System's client is looking for a Senior Full Stack Developer (C#, JavaScript, TypeScript) to work on a variety of software application in the mining industry.Permanent role located in Vancouver, BC. This is a hybrid role, but the in office requirement is not high. Need to be available to go into office in downtown Vancouver when needed.MUST HAVES:5+ years professional software development experience using C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript.Experience with front-end web development, including libraries like React and Redux.Familiarity with unit-testing frameworks such as NUnit and Jest.Strong understanding of design patterns.NICE TO HAVES:Experience building service-oriented and microservices-based applications.Proficiency with Webpack, TypeScript, and Node.js.Experience using source control management tools such as Git.Knowledge of Agile Scrum and/or SAFe development processes.Experience with WPF or WinFormsFamiliarity with build systems such as Bamboo.Experience with JIRA and Confluence.Knowledge of statistics and algorithms. Apply
Développeuse / Développeur logiciel - C++
Coveo Solutions inc., Montreal, QC
Joues un rôle clé dans le développement de modules fournissant des résultats de recherche sécurisés et instantanés. En tant que développeur.se au sein de l'équipe de la Cache de sécurités(Security Cache) en R&D, tu travailleras au cœur de la plateforme infonuagique Coveo. L'équipe est chargée de concevoir, développer, orchestrer, mettre à niveau et surveiller de nombreux systèmes qui déterminent rapidement et précisément quelles informations sécurisées peuvent être renvoyées aux utilisateurs effectuant une recherche. Avec tes collègues, tu veilleras à ce que ces modules soient : Extrêmement précis : la qualité n'est pas une option en matière de contenu sécurisé ; Ultra optimisés : les requêtes doivent être traitées en un clin d'œil ; Hautement disponibles : toujours en ligne... toujours ; Évolutifs : une quantité colossale de données doit être ingérée chaque jour. Ça te semble stimulant ? Alors, ce rôle est pour toi! Ta journée type chez Coveo : Tu commences la journée avec une réunion d’alignement. Les attentes étaient élevées au cours des 2 dernières semaines, et à 3 jours de la livraison, il semble que ton équipe ait fait un excellent travail jusqu'à présent. Tu attends que tes tests de performance se finalisent et choisis quelques autres tâches sur un autre projet dans ton tableau Jira. Tu penses à tes prochaines lignes de code : tu es coincé sur un problème. Tu te rends sur Slack et demande à l'un de tes collègues s'il a des idées pour toi. Après tout, il a peut-être déjà rencontré quelque chose de similaire. Coder, tester, coder, tester... Lorsque tu penses être prêt, tu ouvres une demande pour obtenir des commentaires de tes collègues. On s’attend également à ce que tu leur donnes des retours sur leur travail ! L’après-midi est un excellent moment pour se concentrer. Tu termines ta journée avec fierté, car tu as enfin compris l'interaction entre 8 modules différents qui causait un bug. Bon travail ! Tu utilises quelques minutes de ton temps libre pour réfléchir et documenter ton prochain projet génial pour le hackathon. Quels sont les prérequis pour ce rôle ? Au moins 3 ans d'expérience de travail avec C++ Tu apprends rapidement et aime travailler en équipe Tu aimes relever des défis, être questionné et pouvoir questionner le travail des autres... Tu sais que c'est la voie à suivre pour livrer des modules de haute qualité, bien testés et performants Tu es capable d' expliquer la logique derrière tes choix de codage. Tu te soucies simplement de ton travail et fais des efforts supplémentaires pour obtenir un excellent résultat. Quelques qualifications ou atouts qui pourraient renforcer ta candidature : Familiarité avec Java et Python Familiarité avec les technologies DevOps (services AWS, Kubernetes) Familiarité avec les bases de données SQL TU penses que tu as ce qu'il faut pour faire de ce rôle une réalité? Ou même pour y apporter ta propre couleur? Tu n'as pas besoin de cocher toutes les cases: la passion est un gros atout et nous reconnaissons que les qualifications sont transférables. Envoie-nous ta candidature, on veut en savoir plus! Nous savons que le fait de postuler pour un nouveau rôle demande pas mal de travail, et nous te sommes reconnaissants de prendre le temps de le faire. Rejoins la #Coveolife!
Développeur C++ en intégration d’appareils d’acquisition 3D
InnovMetric Logiciels inc., Quebec City, QC
Intégrer des appareils d’acquisition 3D à la fine pointe de la technologie au logiciel de métrologie le plus avant-gardiste de son domaine, ça vous intéresse? Nous avons un poste pour vous! Robotisation, mesures par contact et numérisation par laser ou avec caméras sont quelques-unes des technologies avec lesquelles vous pourrez travailler chez InnovMetric.Autonomie, curiosité, transparence, confiance, respect. Chez InnovMetric, ce sont les valeurs recherchées et véhiculées au quotidien dans nos équipes de développement logiciel. Nous sommes constamment à la recherche de développeurs(euses) talentueux(euses). Pour nous, qu’est-ce que ça signifie en termes de compétences?Aimer les défis et le travail d’équipeFaire preuve de créativité et sortir des sentiers battusAvoir à cœur la réussite de son équipe et de l’entreprise, ainsi qu’un désir continuel d’apprendre et de s’améliorerDétenir de l’expérience en développement orienté objet (principes SOLID, design patterns) et une bonne connaissance du langage C++Programmer de façon claire et structurée, en étant conscient des exigences liées à la maintenance, à la modularité, à l'extensibilité et à la compatibilitéSe soucier de la qualité de son code, porter attention aux détails et faire preuve de rigueurÊtre à l’aise avec l’investigation de problèmes informatiques complexesPosséder une bonne maîtrise du français et un niveau intermédiaire en anglais (oral et écrit)**Un niveau d’anglais intermédiaire est requis puisque des échanges hebdomadaires, à l’écrit, avec des partenaires internationaux seront nécessaires.ResponsabilitésEn tant que développeur C++ en intégration d’appareils d’acquisition 3D, vous serez responsable du développement des connecteurs vers les appareils. En plus de les manipuler pour vous familiariser avec leur fonctionnement, vous analyserez leurs « Software Development Kits » (SDK) fournis par des partenaires. Ces SDK vont permettre la mise à niveau d’un connecteur existant ou le développement d’un nouveau connecteur. Vous diagnostiquerez des problèmes soulevés par les utilisateurs ou encore développerez des extensions fonctionnelles pour élargir les capacités de la suite logicielle PolyWorks. Cumuler au moins trois années d’expérience en développement logicielAvoir une compréhension avancée de l’architecture des couches logicielles (près du matériel) et une connaissance du multithreadDétenir une bonne expérience avec une base de code de grande envergure, ainsi qu’avec des SDK de tierces partiesDémontrer un souci de clarté et de concision dans les communications avec des partenaires externesFaire preuve de débrouillardise et de persévérance en situation de manque d’information En complément des compétences mentionnées, vous possédez les atouts suivants :Connaissance de plusieurs langages tels que C++, Java, C# et VB.NET Maîtrise du calcul matriciel Vaste expérience d’investigation de problèmes techniques  Vous avez aussi un intérêt marqué pour :  Le travail avec de l’équipement de haute technologie, de robotisation et d’acquisition de données Ouverture à se déplacer occasionnellement chez des clients et partenaires en Amérique, en Europe ou en Asie Voici ce que nous privilégions :  Excellent encadrement et de nombreuses opportunités de contribution à des projets d’envergure dès l’entrée en posteParticipation à toutes les étapes du développement, de l’identification des besoins à la livraison au client, en passant par le design de l’expérience utilisateur (UX), le développement d’une architecture logicielle durable et la validation de la qualité du logicielMise en application quotidienne des principes de la méthode Agile et forte culture d’amélioration continue Choix du lieu de travail libre : en présentiel, en mode hybride ou en télétravail Nous offrons des conditions d’emploi avantageuses et un milieu de travail stimulant : Horaire flexible qui facilite la conciliation travail-famillePossibilité de faire du télétravailRémunération compétitive et système de bonis Assurances collectives et service de télémédecineProgramme d’aide aux employés et à leur familleThé, café et stationnement gratuitsActivités sociales, sportives et groupe de musique IMBand (allez y jeter un œil sur Youtube) L'utilisation du genre masculin a été adoptée afin de faciliter la lecture et n'a aucune intention de discrimination. Puisque ce poste requiert des interactions fréquentes avec nos collègues et/ou clients à l’international, les candidats souhaitant soumettre leur candidature doivent répondre au critère en lien avec la langue anglaise indiqué dans l’offre d’emploi. Nous vous remercions de l’intérêt que vous manifestez en présentant votre candidature. Veuillez prendre note que nous ne communiquerons qu’avec les candidats retenus en présélection.
Poste à venir : Développeuse / Développeur C++ sénior
Coveo Solutions inc., Montreal, QC
*Merci pour ton intérêt à rejoindre notre équipe! Svp prendre note que nous te reviendrons seulement lorsque cette position s'ouvrira officiellement au sein de l'équipe (cela peut prendre quelques semaines ou encore quelques mois) et que la description de poste pourrait légèrement différer de celle ci-dessous au moment venu. En postulant sur ce rôle, tu nous donnes la permission de te considérer dans ce futur processus de recrutement. Notre technologie d'indexation n'aura plus de secrets pour toi ! En tant que développeur.se senior dans l'équipe d'indexation de Coveo, tu joueras un rôle clé dans le développement, l'implémentation et la maintenance des caractéristiques et fonctionnalités clés de notre technologie unique d'indexation et de recherche. Concrètement l'équipe est responsable de l'indexation d'un très haut volume de documents, traitant des millions de requêtes par semaine! Notre solution vise à moderniser les expériences numériques des entreprises, avec l'IA générative et conversationnelle alimentée par les grands modèles linguistiques (Large Language Models) au centre de cette transformation. Notre équipe d'indexation est essentielle pour soutenir nos modèles de recherche sémantique et adapte son expertise aux nouvelles technologies que nous intégrons.  Voici les principales responsabilités auxquelles tu seras confronté.e dans ce rôle : Concevoir et mettre en œuvre une technologie évolutive de haute qualité. Fournir de nouvelles fonctionnalités et contribuer à l'innovation de notre solution d'indexation et de recherche. Définir les standards et les bonnes pratiques de programmation et autres opérations quotidiennes. Éliminer les obstacles techniques. Fournir un mentorat technique et des conseils pour permettre à tes collègues de se développer. Continuer à améliorer et à développer tes compétences techniques. Voici les qualités requises pour ce poste : Un minimum de 5 ans en développement de logiciels. Une solide connaissance de C++. Débrouillardise, pensée agile et esprit de croissance. La cerise sur le gâteau : Connaissance des technologies de recherche (Elasticsearch, Solr, etc.). Expertise dans la production de code réutilisable, évolutif et de qualité dans un contexte complexe. Compétences en matière de mentorat technique. Affinités mathématiques. Bonnes compétences de communication et passion pour la résolution de défis techniques au sein d'une équipe agile. Tu as un animal de compagnie qui insiste pour participer à tes réunions Zoom. Tu veux relever le défi?  Si ton parcours ou tes qualifications ne cochent pas toutes les cases ci-dessus, ce n’est pas grave, postule quand même! Nous savons que postuler à un nouveau poste demande beaucoup de travail et nous apprécions vraiment ton temps. Joins la Coveolife! Voici la réponse de notre équipe à la vague du ChatGPT :  Notre communiqué de presse sur notre nouvelle fonctionnalité de Génération de Réponses Pertinentes, une première dans l'industrie.
Sr. Software Developer (C#, WPF - Desktop application), 5-8 years
Siemens, Pune, Any, India
Hello Visionary!We empower our people to stay resilient and relevant in a constantly changing world. We're looking for people who are always searching for creative ways to grow and learn. People who want to make a real impact, now and in the future.Does that sound like you? Then it seems like you'd make a great addition to our vibrant team.Siemens founded the new business unit Siemens Advanta (formerly known as Siemens IoT Services) on April 1, 2019 with its headquarter in Munich, Germany. It has been crafted to unlock the digital future of its clients by offering end-to-end support on their outstanding digitalization journey. Siemens Advanta is a strategic advisor and a trusted implementation partner in digital transformation and industrial IoT with a global network of more than 8000 employees in 10 countries and 21 offices. Highly skilled and experienced specialists offer services which range from consulting to craft & prototyping to solution & implementation and operation - everything out of one hand.We are looking for a C#.Net + WPF Professional.You'll make a difference by:• Having strong knowledge of C#, XAML, SQL and overall SDLC. • Having strong knowledge of design patterns and principle. • Having experience in cloud application / Agular / html5 which will be an added advantage.You'll win us over by:• Having An engineering degree B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.Tech/M.Sc with good academic record.• Overall experience 5 to 8 years into Software Development.We'll support you with:• Hybrid working Opportunities.• Diverse and inclusive culture.• Great variety of learning & development opportunities.Join us and be yourself!We value your unique identity and perspective, recognizing that our strength comes from the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and thoughts of our team members. We are fully committed to providing equitable opportunities and building a workplace that reflects the diversity of society. We also support you in your personal and professional journey by providing resources to help you thrive. Come bring your authentic self and create a better tomorrow with us.Make your mark in our exciting world at Siemens.This role is based in Pune and is an Individual contributor role. You might be required to visit other locations within India and outside. In return, you'll get the chance to work with teams impacting - and the shape of things to come. We're Siemens. A collection of over 379,000 minds building the future, one day at a time in over 200 countries. Find out more about Siemens careers at: www.siemens.com/careersSalary: . Date posted: 04/01/2024 07:52 PM
Director of Software - Critical Care
Siemens, Ottawa ON, Ontario
Do you want to join us in helping to fight the world's most threatening diseases and enabling access to care for more people around the world? At Siemens Healthineers, we pioneer breakthroughs in healthcare. For everyone. Everywhere. Sustainably.We offer you a flexible and dynamic environment with opportunities to go beyond your comfort zone to grow personally and professionally. Sound interesting? Then come and join our global team as a Director of Software, Critical Care to be responsible for leading teams comprising of software development professionals and manager(s) at multiple geographical locations. Director of Software will drive the next generation software development as well as on-market software changes for Critical Care device portfolio within the Point of Care (POC) diagnostics business of Siemens Healthineers.Our global team: We are a team of 70,000 highly dedicated employees across more than 70 countries passionately pushing the boundaries of what's possible in healthcare to help improve people's lives around the world. As a leader in the industry, we aspire to create better outcomes and experiences for patients no matter where they live or what health issues they are facing. Our portfolio, spanning from in-vitro and in-vivo diagnostics to image-guided therapy and innovative cancer care, is crucial for clinical decision-making and treatment pathways.Our culture: We are part of an incredible community of scientists, clinicians, developers, researchers, professionals, and skilled specialists pushing the boundaries of what's possible, to improve people's lives around the world. We embrace a culture of inclusivity in which the power and potential of every individual can be unleashed. We spark ideas that lead to positive impact and continued success. Check our Careers Site at https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/careers.This is a role well suited to an ambitious professional, looking for the next step in their career.As a Director of Software, Critical Care you will be responsible for:Ensuring software developed for Critical Care devices are of highest quality complying with Siemens Healthineers software development processes and development milestone requirements with required documentation.Collaborating with project management, R&D leadership, and key stakeholders to create and maintain software resource allocation plans to ensure adequate support of prioritized projects and deliver to committed timelines.Identifying risks and issues early and react promptly with mitigations, re-assignments, and communication to leadership.Recognizing, hire, and develop talent with a goal towards building a strong software engineering department positioned for future growth and for sustainable contribution to new product development and on-market product support efforts.Maintaining a very strong focus on adherence to company policies and procedures as well as be up to date with product security and product safety topics.Planning and executing design realization and design change implementations on multiple product lines within the Critical Care portfolio based on sound product architecture with accountability for performance and quality.Deploying and/or creating, as needed, software engineering processes, practices, lifecycle processes and documentation that are consistent with standards required by Health Canada, FDA and world regulatory bodies.This position may suit you best if what is below sounds familiar and appealing to you, in addition to wanting to develop your career with Healthineers.Adept at leading diverse teams of software development professionals and managers across geographic locationsAre highly skilled with planning and executing design realizationComfortable working with Marketing, R&D, Informatics, and other stakeholders to define software / product features which will realize high healthcare diagnostics values for patients and service providers.Are an exceptional communicator and team motivatorRequired skills to have for the success of this role:Minimum a Bachelor's degree in computer science or related discipline and/or an equivalent combination of education and technical experience involving coding. Advanced degrees preferred.Minimum 10 years' experience in software functional management role and working knowledge of utilizing advanced tools and methods for software development.Experienced with leading, guiding, and mentoring other engineers and engineering managers to navigate successfully through project challenges while maintaining focus on individual career development objectives and long-term growth of the departmental capabilities and efficiencies.Experienced with performance management through individual development plans, expectations, evaluations, and lessons-learned to continuously improve team's performance.Requires broad knowledge of software development environment, technologies and tools or specialization in a combination thereof:Embedded software development with OO programming language such as C/C++ or equivalent and in-depth knowledge of embedded architectures.Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS), driver development in POSIX-compliant multi-threaded operating systems (preferably QNX), ARM programming and common software tools such as GCC, SubVersion, IAR and Eclipse, or similar.Network communication protocols, including wireless such as Bluetooth and WiFi, serial interfaces SPI, I2C, RSR232 and USB, software testing using embedded debugging tools and hardware / lab equipment.Mobile applications development (Android, Windows Mobile) in multi-core systems or heterogeneous multi-processor systems and applicable technologies that include .NET, Visual Studio, REACT, Android Studio, SVN, Git, Java, Xamarin/Mono.Database centric application development, relational database design and development (SQL Server or MS SQL Server) and applicable technologies C#, JSON, WPF.Working knowledge of FDA, ISO, IVDD or IVDR regulations for medical devices.Agile and Scrum management of software development projects.Siemens Healthineers is proud to be a Great Place to Work® certified company in Canada for 2020-2024, 2022 Best Workplaces™ in Manufacturing, 2022 Best Workplaces™ for Health Care and 2022 Best Workplaces™ for Hybrid Work.At Siemens Healthineers, we value those who dedicate their energy and passion to a greater cause. Our people make us unique as an employer in the med-tech industry. What unites and motivates our global team is the inspiration of our common purpose: To innovate for healthcare, building on our remarkable legacy of pioneering ideas that translate into even better healthcare products and services. We recognize that taking ownership of our work allows both us and the company to grow. We offer you a flexible and dynamic environment and the space to move beyond your comfort zone to grow both personally and professionally.If you want to join us in transforming the way healthcare is delivered, visit our career site at:https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/en-ca/aboutWhile we appreciate all applications we receive, we advise that only candidates under consideration will be contacted.Beware of Job ScamsPlease beware of potentially fraudulent job postings or suspicious recruiting activity by persons that are currently posing as Siemens Healthineers recruiters/employees. These scammers may attempt to collect your confidential personal or financial information. If you are concerned that an offer of employment with Siemens Healthineers might be a scam or that the recruiter is not legitimate, please verify by searching for the posting on the Career site: https://jobs.siemens-healthineers.com/careersSiemens is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Upon request, Siemens Canada will provide reasonable accommodation for disabilities to support participation of candidates in all aspects of the recruitment process. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment.By submitting personal information to Siemens Canada Limited or its affiliates, service providers and agents, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of such information for the purposes described in our Privacy Notice available at www.siemens.ca.Siemens s'engage à créer un environnement diversifié et est fière d'être un employeur souscrivant au principe de l'égalité d'accès à l'emploi. Sur demande, Siemens Canada prendra des mesures d'accommodement raisonnables pour les personnes handicapées, dans le but de soutenir la participation des candidats dans tous les aspects du processus de recrutement. Tous les candidats qualifiés seront pris en considération pour ce poste.En transmettant des renseignements personnels à Siemens Canada limitée ou à ses sociétés affiliées, à ses fournisseurs de services ou à ses agents, vous nous autorisez à recueillir, à utiliser et à divulguer ces renseignements aux fins prévues dans notre Déclaration de protection de la confidentialité, que vous pouvez consulter au www.siemens.ca.Salary: . Date posted: 04/03/2024 08:51 PM
Software Developer (C#, WPF-2-4 Years)
Siemens, Pune, Any, India
Hello Talented Techie,We empower our people to stay resilient and relevant in a constantly changing world. We're looking for people who are always searching for creative ways to grow and learn. People who want to make a real impact, now and in future. Does that sound like you? Then it seems like you'd make a great addition to our vibrant international team.Siemens founded the new business unit Siemens Advanta (formerly known as Siemens IoT Services) on April 1, 2019 with its headquarter in Munich, Germany. It has been crafted to unlock the digital future of its clients by offering end-to-end support on their outstanding digitalization journey. Siemens Advanta is a strategic advisor and a trusted implementation partner in digital transformation and industrial IoT with a global network of more than 8000 employees in 10 countries and 21 offices. Highly skilled and authoritative specialists offer services which range from consulting to craft & prototyping to solution & implementation and operation - everything out of one hand!We are looking for Software DeveloperHow do you craft the future Smart Buildings? We're looking for the makers of tomorrow, the hardworking individuals ready to help Siemens transform entire industries, cities and even countries. Get to know us from the inside, develop your skills on the job.You'll make an impact by:• Produce clean code and thorough understanding of Object-oriented principles and design methodologies.• Independently handles assigned tasks and self-motivated.• Should be able to work on multiple technologies/tools and handle complex topics.• Expertise in debugging and troubleshooting• Working knowledge of unit test tools / methodologies (like TDD)• Sound communication and analytical skillsYou'll win us over by:• BE/B. Tech/ B.Sc. / M.Sc. / MCA - (in Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Mechatronics, Computer Science, or Information Technology or equivalent).• 3 to 5 years of relevant experience.• Proficiency with C#, .NET and WPF.• Experience with Angular framework will be added advantage.• Knowledge of web site and web applications concepts (preferable)Join us and be yourself!We value your unique identity and perspective and are fully committed to providing equitable opportunities and building a workplace that reflects the diversity of society. Come bring your authentic self and create a better tomorrow with us.Make your mark in our exciting world at Siemens.This role is primarily based at Pune. However, you may get the opportunity to visit other locations within India as and when the work demands.We've got quite a lot to offer. How about you?We're Siemens. A collection of over 379,000 minds building the future, one day at a time in over 200 countries. We're dedicated to equality, and we encourage applications that reflect the diversity of the communities we work in. All employment decisions at Siemens are based on qualifications, merit and business need. Bring your curiosity and creativity and help us craft tomorrow.At Siemens, we are always challenging ourselves to build a better future. We need the most innovative and diverse Digital Minds to develop tomorrow 's reality.Find out more about the Digital world of Siemens here: www.siemens.com/careers/digitalmindsFind out more about Siemens careers at: www.siemens.com/careersSalary: . Date posted: 04/08/2024 02:37 PM
Software Developer
Siemens, Bangalore, Any, India
Siemens Healthineers is a global leader in providing medical solutions that significantly enhance patient care and overall healthcare outcomes. We are actively seeking an exceptional and driven Software Developer to join our dynamic XP team. As a Software Developer, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the architecture of our platform and integrated software solutions ensuring high quality.in shaping the architecture of our platform and integrated software solutionsXP is starting into a new phase of product development and expanding current SW development towards Radiography, Fluoroscopy and Woman Health. As a passionate Software Developer with a proven track record in software Development who wants to contribute to groundbreaking projects that directly impact patient care and drive advancements in the medical field, we have the right opportunity for you.In this role, you are responsible to • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design, develop, and evolve an imaging system, based on syngo native framework.• Leverage your extensive experience in software development within an agile environment to deliver high-quality, scalable solutions.• Demonstrate mastery in software development principles, with expertise in developing and maintain robust and scalable systems.• Apply a profound understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP), SOLID design principles, and Clean Code practices.• Implement coding best practices, perform unit and integration testing ensuring system reliability and performance.• Identify and fix bugs or errors in the code, troubleshooting and resolving issues as they arise.• Create and maintain technical documentation, including code comments, user manuals, and system documentation.• Participate actively in continuous integration and continuous deployment processes.• Embrace an open feedback culture, driving continuous improvement within the team.To be successful in this role, your profile includes:• Graduation or Post Graduation in Computer Science / Information Technology / Medical or Life Sciences. • 3+ years of experience in software development. • Experience in R&D organizations and agile setups like SAFe/SCRUM is preferred.• Knowledge of frameworks for medical products like syngo native is highly preferred.• Excellent understanding of architecture principles, object-oriented programming (OOP), SOLID design principles, and Clean Code practices • Deep software development experience in C# and multithreaded programming aspects• Well-founded knowledge in UI development based on WPF and Angular.• Expertise in MS Visual Studio, Azure DevOps, source control systems e.g. GIT and TFVC, requirement management systems and test automation frameworks• Knowledge of software development life cycle and software engineering processes of medical products• Experience with testing frameworks and tools for writing and executing test cases.• Understanding of CI/CD processes and tools to automate software delivery.• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to understand and address software development challenges.• Sound knowledge of tools and methods to diagnose SW behavior.• Demonstrated ability working with multi-cultural teams and various internal and external stakeholders globally.• Excellent verbal and written communication skills, business fluency in English.• Able to multi-task, work under pressure and manage multiple project activities and responsibilities effectively.• Should be self-motivated and assertive.GRIP Job Code: RD-PS-SHDEVLP-PR10Global Job Family: Research & DevelopmentGlobal Job Sub Family: Product & Solution Development and TestingSalary: . Date posted: 04/16/2024 02:01 PM
Software Developer (C#, WPF - Desktop applications), 3-5 Years
Siemens, Pune, Any, India
Hello Visionary!We empower our people to stay resilient and relevant in a constantly changing world. We're looking for people who are always searching for creative ways to grow and learn. People who want to make a real impact, now and in the future.Does that sound like you? Then it seems like you'd make a great addition to our vibrant team.Siemens founded the new business unit Siemens Advanta (formerly known as Siemens IoT Services) on April 1, 2019 with its headquarter in Munich, Germany. It has been crafted to unlock the digital future of its clients by offering end-to-end support on their outstanding digitalization journey. Siemens Advanta is a strategic advisor and a trusted implementation partner in digital transformation and industrial IoT with a global network of more than 8000 employees in 10 countries and 21 offices. Highly skilled and experienced specialists offer services which range from consulting to craft & prototyping to solution & implementation and operation - everything out of one hand.We are looking for a C#.Net + WPF Professional.You'll make a difference by:• Having strong knowledge of C#, XAML, SQL and overall SDLC.• Having strong knowledge of design patterns and principle.• Having experience in cloud application / Agular / html5 which will be an added advantage.You'll win us over by:• Having An engineering degree B.E/B.Tech/MCA/M.Tech/M.Sc with good academic record.• Overall experience 3 to 5 years into Software Development.We'll support you with:• Hybrid working Opportunities.• Diverse and inclusive culture.• Great variety of learning & development opportunities.Join us and be yourself!We value your unique identity and perspective, recognizing that our strength comes from the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and thoughts of our team members. We are fully committed to providing equitable opportunities and building a workplace that reflects the diversity of society. We also support you in your personal and professional journey by providing resources to help you thrive. Come bring your authentic self and create a better tomorrow with us.Make your mark in our exciting world at Siemens.This role is based in Pune and is an Individual contributor role. You might be required to visit other locations within India and outside. In return, you'll get the chance to work with teams impacting - and the shape of things to come. We're Siemens. A collection of over 379,000 minds building the future, one day at a time in over 200 countries.Find out more about Siemens careers at: www.siemens.com/careersSalary: . Date posted: 04/17/2024 08:45 PM
Software Developer
Equest, Ottawa, ON
Location: Ottawa, CanadaIn fast changing markets, customers worldwide rely on Thales. Thales is a business where brilliant people from all over the world come together to share ideas and inspire each other. In aerospace, transportation, defence, security and space, our architects design innovative solutions that make our tomorrow's possible.For decades, Ottawa has been a global technology leader. Today, Canada's capital holds one of the brightest and most diverse technological ecosystems in North America. Voted as Canada's best place to live 2017 by Maclean's, Ottawa offers a low cost of living with a high quality of life. The Thales Ottawa office has been a major supplier and long-term trusted partner to DND, enabling the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard to achieve mission success.Software Developer: Military Command and Control Systems experienced, C#, WPF GUI, (Java, C++ DB/SQL, GIS are assets)Position SummaryOttawa, Ontario (Hybrid)The Software Developer will build robust, high performance software systems for defence and security applications, with a particular expected focus on software related to Land (i.e. Canadian Army) Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR). The successful candidate is expected to be capable of working effectively on any aspect of the Software Development lifecycle, such as requirements analysis, architecture, design, implementation, developer integration & testing, and verification & validation.Key Areas of ResponsibilityImplement applications software, including requirements analysis, design, coding, unit testing, and integration;Produce software developer documentation;Identify and analyze software defects and implement fixes into product releases; andBuild and maintain currency in software development best practices and methodologies.Minimum QualificationsBachelor's degree in software engineering, computer engineering, computer science, or equivalent education with relevant experienceExperience/expertise:7 years' experience in software development including (the following items are not exclusive of each other):4 years' experience programming C#;2 years' experience implementing Graphical User Interfaces using WPF; and2 years' experience developing military C2, C3, or C4ISR software.Preferred QualificationsVery strong coding, unit testing, and debugging skillsProfessional experience programming in JavaProfessional experience programming in C++Experience with databases/SQLExperience with GIS such as ESRI ArcGISInterest in advancing the safety and security of soldiers in the Canadian ArmyExcellent oral and written communication skillsExperience working in a scrum/agile software development environment including work as a Scrum MasterWhat We OfferThales provides an extensive benefits program for all full-time employees working 24 or more hours per week and their eligible dependents, including the following:Company paid Extended Health, Dental, HSA, Life, AD&D, Short-term Disability, Cancer Care Program, travel insurance, Employee Assistance Plan and Well-Being program.Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP, DCPP, TFSA) with a company contribution and a match to a DCPP, with no vesting period.Company paid holidays, vacation days, and paid sick leave.Voluntary Life, AD&D, Critical Illness, Long-Term Disability.Employee Discounts on home, auto, and gym membership.Why Join Us?Say HI and learn more about working at Thales click here . ( https://youtu.be/9aMF4NMhEJo )#LI-TA1Thales Canada Defence & Security is engaged in supporting the Canadian Army's Land Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (C4) Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (LC4ISR) systems which enable critical decisions on a daily basis. Together with industry partners, Thales is building on the existing networks and applications to enhance digitized operations, support communications between joint and allied forces, and monitor and defend against the threats and evolving capabilities of potential adversaries.Thales Canada is looking for people interested in directly contributing to the evolution of advanced digitized operations for the Canadian Army into the future, both in Canada and on overseas deployments. There are opportunities available in each of the four LC4ISR programs, which include:• System of systems engineering and integration;• Core network;• Applications; and• Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR).Thales is an equal opportunity employer which values diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. Thales is committed to providing accommodations in all parts of the interview process. Applicants selected for an interview who require accommodation are asked to advise accordingly upon the invitation for an interview. We will work with you to meet your needs. All accommodation information provided will be treated as confidential and used only for the purpose of providing an accessible candidate experience. This position requires direct or indirect access to hardware, software or technical information controlled under the Canadian Export Control List, the Canadian Controlled Goods Program, the Canadian Industrial Security Program, the US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and/or the US Export Administration Regulations (EAR). All applicants must be eligible or able to obtain authorization for such access including eligibility to the Canadian Controlled Goods Program and able to obtain a Canadian NATO Secret clearance.
Software Developer - New Grad
Equest, Ottawa, ON
Location: Ottawa, CanadaIn fast changing markets, customers worldwide rely on Thales. Thales is a business where brilliant people from all over the world come together to share ideas and inspire each other. In aerospace, transportation, defence, security and space, our architects design innovative solutions that make our tomorrow's possible.For decades, Ottawa has been a global technology leader. Today, Canada's capital holds one of the brightest and most diverse technological ecosystems in North America. Voted as Canada's best place to live 2017 by Maclean's, Ottawa offers a low cost of living with a high quality of life. The Thales Ottawa office has been a major supplier and long-term trusted partner to DND, enabling the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard to achieve mission success. Software Developer (New Grad): Angular/React C#/ C++, SQL Position Summary Ottawa, Ontario (Hybrid)The Software Developer (New Grad) will implement software for defence and security applications, with a particular expected focus on applications related to Land (i.e. Canadian Army) Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR). Key Areas of Responsibility Participate in requirements analysis and software design;Implement applications software, including coding, unit testing, and integration;Produce software developer documentation;Identify and analyze software defects and implement fixes into product releases;Build and maintain currency in software development best practices and methodologies Minimum Qualifications Bachelor's degree in software engineering, computer engineering, computer science, or equivalent education with relevant experienceExperience/expertise in software development including programming in C#. Post-graduation work experience is not a mandatory requirement for this position Preferred Qualifications Very strong coding, unit testing, and debugging skillsExperience programming in Java and/or C++General knowledge and/or experience with databases/SQLInterest in or familiarity with military C2, C3, or C4ISR and in advancing the safety and security of soldiers in the Canadian ArmyExperience developing Graphical User Interfaces with WPF while working in a scrum/agile software development environment What We Offer Thales provides an extensive benefits program for all full-time employees working 24 or more hours per week and their eligible dependents, including the following:Company paid Extended Health, Dental, HSA, Life, AD&D, Short-term Disability, Cancer Care Program, travel insurance, Employee Assistance Plan and Well-Being program.Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP, DCPP, TFSA) with a company contribution and a match to a DCPP, with no vesting period.Company paid holidays, vacation days, and paid sick leave.Voluntary Life, AD&D, Critical Illness, Long-Term Disability.Employee Discounts on home, auto, and gym membership. Why Join Us? Say HI and learn more about working at Thales click here . ( https://youtu.be/9aMF4NMhEJo )#LI-TA1Thales Canada Defence & Security is engaged in supporting the Canadian Army's Land Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (C4) Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (LC4ISR) systems which enable critical decisions on a daily basis. Together with industry partners, Thales is building on the existing networks and applications to enhance digitized operations, support communications between joint and allied forces, and monitor and defend against the threats and evolving capabilities of potential adversaries.Thales Canada is looking for people interested in directly contributing to the evolution of advanced digitized operations for the Canadian Army into the future, both in Canada and on overseas deployments. There are opportunities available in each of the four LC4ISR programs, which include:• System of systems engineering and integration;• Core network;• Applications; and• Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR).Thales is an equal opportunity employer which values diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. Thales is committed to providing accommodations in all parts of the interview process. Applicants selected for an interview who require accommodation are asked to advise accordingly upon the invitation for an interview. We will work with you to meet your needs. All accommodation information provided will be treated as confidential and used only for the purpose of providing an accessible candidate experience. This position requires direct or indirect access to hardware, software or technical information controlled under the Canadian Export Control List, the Canadian Controlled Goods Program, the Canadian Industrial Security Program, the US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and/or the US Export Administration Regulations (EAR). All applicants must be eligible or able to obtain authorization for such access including eligibility to the Canadian Controlled Goods Program and able to obtain a Canadian NATO Secret clearance.